Monday, May 2, 2011

Lab 5: The Easter Vibe

            St. Mary’s students had our class hopping with excitement. I had a great opportunity to experience significant time with the pre-k. The atmosphere was amusing and fun. The ability to interact with the children through reading Easter bunny books and having them participate in arts and crafts, creating Easter bunny puppets, made the time spent enlightening.
In the beginning of the after school activities at St. Mary’s I was able to properly assess the motor skills of dribbling a basketball and kicking a soccer ball into a net. This was exciting and interesting to see the different areas and levels of movement each student performed. The motor skills being related to sports was also a nice change of pace do to my interest on the matter.
I finished off the day establishing a creative game of musical dribbling with the pre-k. The objective was to have the pre-k dribble in different ways when the music was playing and have them run to any available poly spot once the music stopped. The interest in the children was promising and the group all together looked to be having an energetic and enthusiastic experience.
           The educational value that I had personally learned through this activity was how much more of a comfortable approach instructing students can be once you get to interact with them in a class setting. Through expressing positive feedback and encouragement, the children will be motivated to continue the game or other kinds of activity.

Lab 5

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