Monday, September 26, 2011

EDU 255 Chapter 2 & 4 Questions

Chapter 2

3.) Describe what a student would look like who is in different stages of learning a motor skill.

Learning a motor skill is not considered the same as learning or teaching a skill of sport such as hockey. Motor skills can be refined and enhanced by a teacher but for the most part these skills are learned along the way by a particular person. An example of this would be walking, this process of learning may be sped up by a teacher but learning the skill has a lot to do with the person’s environment. Encouragement from a parent to have their child try and walk sets up an environment that allows this, then the child will be more likely to learn quicker. In this particular scenario the parent induced the child's walking but the environment and child's will to walk is stronger. But as teachers this doesn't mean that we can't help to teach to students how to become better at motor movements. Although most kids can run already this doesn't mean a game can't be introduced to allow more running. While teaching these skills teachers must be persistent because we must realize the student has to learn this skill.
 4.) What is the difference between the way closed skills, open skills, discrete skills, and serial skills should be taught?

Open skills and closed skills should both be taught differently because they both propose different situations. For instance open skills shouldn't be taught in closed situations because it is unrealistic. It would be a waste of time to practice a foul shot in a situation where a defender can block the shot, just like it would be irrelevant to scrimmage and so nobody can play defense. The skills must be taught in a certain manor otherwise they are a waste of time. A discrete skill is something that is performed, and has a clear start and stop to the skill. For instance the book gives an example of throwing javelin, you begin by running down the run away and then throw the javelin. That is the entire skill and then it is over. A serial skill is a little different. It is a few skills combined into a sequence. In baseball fielding a ground ball is considered a serial skill. You must field the ball, come up with it and throw the ball to the first baseman. All of these skills must be taught separately because in game situations if they present themselves the student must be prepared.
Chapter 4

2.) What are some things teachers can do to improve communication with learners in task presentation?

Being a physical educator is very difficult to communicate with students because our job does not take place in a quiet classroom, but a loud gymnasium. The key component of communication is getting the students attention. Gaining this is also difficult because of the environment the gym is an easy place for a kid to get lost mentally especially once they get their mind hooked on playing a game. To get this factor out teachers should lay down clear rules that students can easily follow and understand. Another great way to eliminate students not being attentive is by saying what must be said quickly and talking minimally. Get everybody in a huddle and right back out into an activity.


3.) What are guidelines for using demonstration effectively?

Providing a demonstration is key in Physical Education because many people must be able to see the skill that they are asked to perform and can't just hear an explanation. Some keys to demonstrating are to make sure that a demonstration is accurate and what you are looking for. Another tool to use is let students demonstrate, this keeps everybody interested because they could be asked to demonstrate next. While demonstrating it is pivotal that the teacher is not only showing the skill but talking through it as well. Be sure to have cues to emphasize the important aspects of the skill.

5.) What are the characteristics of good learning cues? Design a set of learning cues you would use with young beginning learners and then for older advanced learners for a closed skill, open skill, and movement concept.

A good cue is a clear and sequential description about the movement. It is important to be sequential while teaching the skill so that the students understand how to do the skill. While teaching a closed skill verbal cues are very important rather than just a demonstration. Having cues in their memory would be effective because when they are in the moment the student can talk themselves through the situation. Open skills is a little bit different because demonstrations are very important to learning them. This happens in a more active setting where people are running around and moving therefore mental cues may be hard to remember. If you are playing basketball and a defender is in your face it is hard to think rather than just react.

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