Management Strategies:
The pre-k
students at St. Mary’s elementary school today were again rewarded with a day
outside in the playground due to nice weather. The playground is where I have
seen most of Mr. Mack’s management strategies. The idea of going outside for
the students gets them really excited and sometimes gets them to make bad
decisions. There was no warm-up given to the pre-k students but the rules of
the playground were reviewed prior to the students going outside. From past
experience Mr. Mack knew that students liked to pick up the dirt in the
playground and play around with it. He emphasized this rule and repeated it
several times with checking for understanding.
The majority
of the class time was spent with Beka and me, playing freeze tag as well as
hides and goes seek with the students to keep them as active as possible. The
class was running smoothly with little to no behavior problems until the very
end. A student was caught playing with the dirt by Mr. Mack. After Mr. Mack
confronted the student explaining that it was not ok and they had broken an
important rule the student began to cry. The student realized she was caught
and wasn’t happy with the idea of being in trouble. If given the opportunity to
be in Mr. Mack’s shoes there is not much I would have changed maybe just the
tone of my voice. He was sufficient with getting the point across that she
broke a rule. I believe any kind of confrontation would have made the student
cry. The student was vulnerable, young and not use to getting into trouble.
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